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AI Webpages

I've loved the idea of AI writing ever since being a tiny kid and using the Google chatbot. Recently, I've been playing around with OpenAi's Playground, and I especially enjoy asking it to write webpages and html code! It's always interesting to see what it creates, because sometimes it's absolutely wildin.

Normally, when you ask the AI to write code, it gives you something basic like this:

Write a webpage code.

Which is totally workable code, of course! It's just nothing. Making a new html file in Neocities gives you more to look at. What becomes interesting is how, with a small difference in wording, the AI comes up with something completely different. Check it out (rigth click and pick inspect element to see the code): Write the code for a webpage.

Look! It's blue! And there's a font! It's honestly surreal to me that an AI knows enough to create a page like this, and that it can make such different bits of code. You can click the following links for some of my other favorite results from the AI. All of them are authentic, artificially created code :)

Write the html code for a website.

Mentioning html gives a more personal website. It's like the AI's personality is rapidly becoming clear :)

Write the html code for a cute website.

I agree, kittens are cute.

Write the html code for a fake amazon page.

This is so interesting. I have no idea where it got that link, it doesn't lead to anything.

Write the html code for https://rarimena.neocities.org/

I feel like this is a diss on me...

Write the html code for a neocities website.

How cool that it wrote code using w3 schools links!!

Write the html code for a webpage about doll collecting.

You see here the difficulty of getting the AI to create actual webpages, instead of just information on a blank page.

Write the html code for a complicated website.

Fine, I guess that technically works. Note the use of < ul >.

But what if I give the AI existing code to add on to? Here's the code it created after I gave it the < head > code of my home page: link

The most interesting thing about this page is the login form and rarimena@rarimena.com. That email doesn't exist but gosh I wish it did.