I love fonts! When I was younger and I made things on Microsoft Publisher all the time, one of my favorite things to do was to search free font websites to find the perfect lettering for my project.
This is a story I wrote when I was 9. I was thrilled to find this swirly title font called "Meddon". In fact, I was so thrilled that I think I just gave up on everything else. Look at that crunchy font combo!
My favorite font is... Garamond! That's the font that this website is in. Technically, Garamond is the name of a style of font, not just one. All Garamond variations are based on the work of a Parisian engraver named Claude Garamond. My favorite is EB Garamond!
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
EB GaramondThis phrase, "sphinx of black quartz, hear my vow", is a pangram, meaning a phrase that contains every letter of the alphabet. "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" is a commonly used one, but I like this one better :) Find the download for EB Garamond here!
Garamond is a ubiquitous font that has been used in a number of famous logos and things with typed words. The font's wikipedia page is here, and there is a lovely write up here.
Here are a number of examples of Garamond in the wild. Click on the image for the source.
I prefer serif fonts (which are fonts with little lines (serifs) at the ends of the letters) to sans serif fonts, but there are still some lovely sans serif fonts, too. Here are some of my other favorite fonts:
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
CardoCardo is a fun Garamond cousin! I like to compare the two to notice the differences. The Cardo letters are much taller, giving it an almost playful look compared to EB Garamond. Find the download for Cardo here!
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Engravers MTThese letters make a statement! It's the perfect choice for the sphinx pangram. I like to use it for titles! Find the download for Engravers MT here!
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Baskerville Old Face
Baskerville is the perfect demonstration of small touches making a big difference. Look at the g! How fun and whimsical! It envokes a newspaper feel to me - the letters almost look inked. Find the download for Baskerville Old Face here!
Sans Serif
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Bradley Hand ITCBradley is a familiar (to me, at least!) and warm handwritten font. This is the best generic handwriting font out there. Find the download for Bradley Hand ITC here!
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
ChillerI love that this is a default Windows font. Once, my father discovered this font and proceded to write around 2 pages of a horror story. That's just the effect it has on people. Find the download for Chiller here!
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Comic SansComic Sans my beloved! I think a lot of people go through a phase where they have an irrational hatred for Comic Sans, but it's a lovely and fun font. Plus, it's one of a few fonts that is said to help those with dyslexia while reading. Don't clown on my man Comic Sans. Find the download for Comic Sans here!
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
PapyrusPapyrus used to be my all-time favorite font. I would do every single school project using it. I think it's great for titles! Find the download for Papyrus here!
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
OpenDyslexic3 RegularOpenDyslexic is a font designed specifically to make reading easier! Read more and find the download for OpenDyslexic3 Regular here!
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
BroadwayThis is another classic font and a favorite of my younger self. It really gives the vibes of theater. Find the download for Broadway here!
I love love love seeing cool original fonts! Even if they're not actually useful for typing, it's so interesting to see the comon alphabet written in such a different way. Here are the best of the best!
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
5 Years OldThis is the actual handwriting of a five year old! Something about this font really fills me with happiness. The website says that it's a free font, but you can feel free to donate to buy the five year old some sweet candies. How sweet. Find the download for 5 Years Old here!
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Heresy RegularThis is the true font worthy of the sphinx pangram. The uppercase letters are really where it's at, check them out:
Find the download for Heresy Regular here!
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Kingthings FacetypeKingthings is a perfectly respectable font, but for some reason someone created this variation, where each letter has a face inside. I adore it so much. Find the download for Kingthings Facetype here!
sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Summer's Bear BlocksThis is so obviously a font from 2008 and I love it for that. Find the download for Summer's Bear Blocks here!
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Edie HandwritingAnd... introducing my custom font! I used a Calligraphr template and hand wrote out the letters. It's called Edie Handwriting because that's what it is :). There's a direct link to the download for Edie Handwriting here!
If you know of any fun or interesting fonts out there, please let me know! I'd love to see them!
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