Holiday Extravaganza 2018
The theater does a holiday show every year, and this is the first and worst (and also the only one I ever did, rip). It's a very simple script compared to later ones. The characters didn't have names since we played ourselves, so all names have been changed except for mine :) I also don't have most of the tracks we used, but I included those I do.

(Amber is reading on the couch while the audience is entering and being seated. When the show begins, she looks up from her book.)
Amber: Oh, hi! I didn’t see you there. Welcome to the holiday extravaganza! The others should be arriving soon. In fact, I think I might hear someone now…
(Over the course of the song, the rest of the cast enters.)
We Need a Little Christmas
Instrumental Track:
Edie: Hello everyone, I’m so glad we could all make it to the holiday party! There are plenty of presents for everyone under the tree. Amber, I think this one’s for you!
Amber: For little ole me? Aw, you shouldn’t have.
(Inside the present is a dreidel.)
Amber: A dreidel! I know a song about this!
Edie: Here Faith, this one is for you.
(Inside the present is a picture of the cast.)
Faith: Oh, it’s a picture of all of us! Thanks, guys. Remember when we all sang together at that festival?
Seasons of Love
Edie: This one is for… Jenna!
(Inside the present is a calendar.)
Jenna: A calendar. Same as last year. That’s funny.
Last Christmas
Edie: Here, Finn.
(Inside the present is an elf hat.)
Finn: Oh man. I’ve gotta wear this right now!!
Sparkle Jolly Twinkle Jingly
Instrumental Track:
Edie: This one says it’s for Piper!
(Inside the present is an Anna doll.)
Piper: Anna, how cute! I love Frozen!
Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?
Instrumental Track:
Edie: Oh, this was way under there. Here you go, Nicole.
(Inside the present is a scarf.)
Nicole: Perfect! The snow out there is piling up. I can wear it on my way home!
Winter Wonderland
Instrumental Track:
Amber: Wow, Nicole, you made playing in the snow sound so fun! I want to go outside now.
All: Yeah! Me too! Etc.
Amber: Let’s go! (To the audience) Well folks, we’ll see you back here after a brief intermission!
Amber: And we’re back! Who’s the next present for Edie?
Edie: It’s for Charlotte!
(Inside the present is an NYC souvenir.)
Charlotte: New York City! Oh, I want to go there someday. It’s so different than here!
Instrumental Track:
(At the end of the song, the lights go out.)
Faith: Oh no!
Jenna: Who turned the lights off?
Finn: I think the power’s out.
Piper: But how are we going to do our show without the lights??
Amber: I’ve got an idea.
(The cast grabs candles to sing the next song.)
Silent Night
(At the end of the song, the lights come back on.)
Edie: Oh, finally! Just in time for me to open my present!
(Inside the present is a rose.)
Edie: This is one of my favorite things!
Favorite Things
Instrumental Track:
Edie: Here you go, Robyn.
(Inside the present is a hippo plush.)
Robyn: Oh.
Amber: What’s wrong? Are you disappointed?
Robyn: A little. I kind of wanted something a little… bigger.
I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas
Instrumental Track:
Edie: This one says it’s for Michael!
(Inside the present is a reindeer ornament.)
Michael: Nice! Like Rudoph!
Run Run Rudolph
Edie: This is for you, Macy. Oh, it’s so light!
(Inside the present is cash.)
Macy: Finally, I get a little appreciation around here.
Elf’s Lament
Edie: Okay, only two more. Here you go, Alexas.
(Inside the present is a bell.)
Alexas: Wow! Is this one of Santa’s bells?
There is a Santa Claus
Edie: This last one says it’s for… the audience??
(Inside the present are many pudding cups.)
All: Figgy pudding!
(During the song, the cast passes out pudding cups to the audience.)
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Instrumental Track:
Amber: That’s our show! Good night, and happy holidays!