
I am feeling The current mood of rarimena at www.imood.com

The Internet is feeling The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

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Many years ago in the Geocities era there was a sort of collaborative art project called the Quilting Bee where people would create quilt patches and swap them with others, creating their own quilt. SleepySprout and Dollz Revival have both launched efforts to bring it back, so here's my quilt with patches from both, hope that's okay :) If you want to swap patches, let me know - I'd love to grow my quilt!

Also, there are many rescued patches in my quilt, so there may be some broken links.

My Patch

My Quilt

Halloween Quilt

Mini Quilt


Mushrooms were given out on the original quilting bee website as another kind of award and tbh I totally adore that. Here are all the mushrooms I've been able to find on my searches of old archived qbee sites!