Rainbow High
I heard about Rainbow High early in 2021, with the release of Series 2. Karma Nichols was majorly on sale online (~20 dollars off) so she became my first RH doll! I remember that I wasn't super excited about her design, but I wanted a RH doll fo rmy collection so I still bought her. When she arrived, I was shocked at the quality! Rainbow High doll clothes, if you haven't seen them up close, are beautifully made with tiny stitches and pockets that really open. No printed on single pieces of fabric here!
I have at least one doll from each series so I can authoritatively say that each release has been better than the one that came before, at least in terms of doll construction*. As much as I love Karma, her head doesn't move up and down, only side to side. This is better than the series one dolls, though - my poor Cheerleader Sunny's legs only bend part of the way, even though her joints look like they should let her bend more. Series 3 is my favorite both in terms of style and substance, and not just because Georgia Bloom (my favorite doll by far) is from series 3.
*Addendum September 2024: Well, all toys must decline, but boy has Rainbow High jumped off the deep end quickly. Taking away the second outfit was ther first nail in the coffin, but the recent "Rainbow World" releases are so much worse than previous dolls that it's actually breathtaking. As of now there are technically more dolls being produced, but I and other fans smell cancellation in the air. And it smells like horrible glitter slime.

Here's my favorite doll for each color of the rainbow!

I want to go more in depth on each of the specific lines, so keep scrolling to see my thoughts! For a relatively new doll line, it's remarkable how many unique dolls are a part of it. If you click on the names of the dolls in the specific series, it will take you to their picture further down on the page, and if you hover your mouse on the picture, it will tell you more information about the doll. I made all of these transparent pngs myself - feel free to use them if you'd like! I think every webpage would be improved with some RH dolls.
Dolls marked with a "

Core Dolls
Series 1The series 1 dolls, for all their faults, are absolute classics. Color themed doll lines have existed before, but RH really captured lighting in a bottle and that all goes back to the presentation of these first dolls. Sunny is my favorite of these dolls - she's so cute! I actually splurged and bought all the series 1 dolls in one of those discounted multipacks because I really wanted an affordable Sunny, haha. I'm surprised they haven't made another doll with interchangeable wigs like Avery, it's such a fun idea!
Ruby Anderson

Poppy Rowan

Sunny Madison

Jade Hunter

Skyler Bradshaw

Violet Willow

Avery Styles

Amaya Raine

Series 2
It's really funny to me that this is the only one of the core doll series that doesn't have a specific rainbow of colors, and I think it's because they realized that they really needed a pink doll so they made 2. Bella Parker is the only non series 1 doll to have 3 other versions of her in different releases and it's because she's pink. That's it. Not that I don't like her, I do, but it's interesting that pink triumphs even in the rainbow dolls line. I like Krystal Bailey a lot but I originally only got her majorly on sale so that I could give her second outfit to my Phaedra Westward. I don't really understand the boy dolls like River and they all kind of look the same to me, but to each their own.
Bella Parker - Pink
Stella Monroe - Fuchsia
Karma Nichols

River Kendall - Teal
Krystal Bailey

Amaya Raine - Rainbow
Series 3
Series 3 my beloved! This is the first release that I was actually able to follow along with and man was it hype. This is (at least according to me) RH's best and most consistent set of dolls. All of these are winners, and even my least favorite (sorry Gabriella) has redeeming qualities. Georgia is my favorite RH doll ever, partly because she's peach themed and partly because just look at her! She's such a sweetheart. Daphne was a birthday present and she's really grown on me too. She has the tiniest accessories ever and I love her for that.
Daria Roselyn - Rose
Georgia Bloom

Sheryl Meyer - Marigold
Daphne Minton

Gabriella Icely - Ice
Emi Vanda - Orchid
Series 4
This series also has some really great dolls, although the fact that they don't come with little hangers anymore makes me sad :( I've seen few dolls with vitiligo and none with albinism - it's great that there are such stylish dolls with this kind of diversity. I saw Delilah and immediately loved her so so much. She's the only RH doll I've bought for full price. Her glasses are just darling, and she has a little slip under her dress! It's that kind of detail that keeps me a fan of these dolls. She definitely did not need a doll-sized slip to add volume to her dress (much less one that is fully separate from the dress itself instead of being attached), but she does and it's fabulous. I got Lila to go along with one of my #FailFix dolls! Meena is super cute too, she's my most recent doll (as of writing this description).
Mila Berrymore

Meena Fleur

Delilah Fields

Jewel Richie

Coco Vanderbalt - Cobalt
Lila Yamamoto

Series 5
If not for Victoria, I wouldn't own any series 5 dolls. It's a major downgrade that none of the dolls come with two outfits anymore - I see a lot of people making art of what the second outfits should be, and they're all great. Victoria is beautiful and her face paint is fantastic (her little freckles are darling) but I can't believe we have two more pink girls. Pricilla especially is so boring. She's very Stella.
Victoria Whitman

Pricilla Perez - Flamingo Pink
Michelle St. Charles - Neon Orange
Olivia Woods - Camo Green
Kim Nguyen - Navy Blue
Aidan Russell - Iridescent Grey, White, Purple
Budget Dolls
These are very mysterious - they were released with no fanfare to only Family Dollar not too long ago, but I've searched and they're impossible to find except in the deepest recesses of eBay. I think they're a very weird little part of Rainbow High - apparently they retail for $18? Just wait for literally any sale on Amazon, you'll fare better. They're my favorite series, 3, but just look at them...
Daria Roselyn - Rose
Georgia Bloom - Peach
Sheryl Meyer - Marigold
Daphne Minton - Mint
Gabriella Icely

Emi Vanda - Orchid
Rainbow World
Series 1Bro... what's happening here. Why are we regressing to the past Rainbow High slime days. Is slime even trendy with the youth anymore? It kind of feels like we might be in a RH death spiral here... no more wrist or thigh articulation. why why why. Also where is Poppy? She got the heck out of dodge.
Ruby Anderson - Red
Sunny Madison

Jade Hunter - Green
Skyler Bradshaw - Blue
Violet Willow - Purple
Amaya Raine - Rainbow
Rainbow Junior High
Rainbow Junior High Series 1I love the junior high dolls!! I've talked a lot about my love of the small details on the dolls, and junior high is that but smaller. Violet and Sunny (and the others too I assume) have backpacks that open and close, and Sunny's jacket is one of those clear ones with little charms inside. I gasped when I opened her. They're even cuter in person than they are online!
Ruby Anderson - Red
Poppy Rowan - Orange
Sunny Madison

Jade Hunter - Green
Skyler Bradshaw - Blue
Violet Willow

Rainbow Junior High Series 2
I'm not sure if it's just because of the rumor that the dolls are becoming lower quality without changing price (Shadow High series 2 is rumored to only have one outfit per character, sigh), but these feel less exciting than series 1. They're still adorable and I have my eyes on Krystal, but their outfits feel simpler and more boring. Maybe that's just me. I guess we'll see when Shadow High series 2 and beyond drops.
Bella Parker - Pink
Stella Monroe - Fuchsia
Karma Nichols - Neon Green
River Kendall - Teal
Krystal Bailey - Indigo
Amaya Raine - Rainbow
Rainbow Junior High Special Edition
These are dolls meant just for me - I so want little Holly and Laurel. Plus, Amaya and Krystal (the objective best dolls from JH series 2) were rereleased. They want my money so bad.
Avery Styles - Rainbow
Kia Hart - Soft Pink
Laurel De'Vious - Warm Colors
Holly De'Vious - Cool Colors
Rainbow Junior High Pajama Party
Okay these are so cute. They're marketing these as something you can choose - play with them as the younger version of the main dolls, or you can pretend they're the younger sisters. I think they should just make a little sisters line. Give Sunny one first - they can call her Vega and she can be Sunny and Luna's tomboy little sister with a blue and gold color scheme.
Sunny Madison

Skyler Bradshaw - Blue
Violet Willow - Purple
Bella Parker - Pink
Rainbow High Littles
I've wanted the younger sisters of the RH girls forever but this just isn't it. They all have molded plastic tops and stupid animal pets. Unfortunately I did have to get two of these.Magenta Monroe - Fuchsia
Daisy Madison

Opal Raine

Indigo Bailey - Indigo
Sapphire Bradshaw - Blue
Amethyst Willow - Purple
More of the same. At least I'm not mad that these are so obviously marketed towards children like I am with the new mainline releases - I never expected anything more from this line. Why did we have to regress so far when there's these cute and cheap little kid dolls that could have had all the gimmicks.
Kandy Hart - Pastel Rainbow
Blush Parker - Pink
Shadow High
Shadow High Series 1I think it's so cool that a mainstream doll line can put out something as interesting and weird as Shadow High! It reminds me of how Monster High made people realized that doll buyers love to buy kooky and different looking dolls. I wish I liked the outfits of these dolls a little better, but I think that might be on me because these are very popular. I recently caved and bought Luna, even though I don't love her like I love a lot of RH dolls (I just wanted Sunny Madison's sister haha). She'll be arriving in a few days. I'll see what I think of her outfit when I see her in person, but I might supplement with some items from Ainsley Slater's outfit trunk. Heather is a beautiful doll and her hair is so interesting!
Natasha Zima - Dove
Heather Grayson

Ash Silverstone - Ash
Nicole Steel - Titanium
Luna Madison

Shanelle Onyx

Shadow High Series 2
They all only have one outfit :/ This is especially obvious in Glitch's case- she comes with a total of 4 clothes items, including both shoes. Why is there a Karl Lagerfield doll? Why isn't Dia's color diamond? Will Novi Stars ever come back? Many questions.
Karla Choupette - Icey Pink
Zooey Electra

Dia Mante - Holographic
Monique Verbena

Reina "Glitch" Crowne - Black
Rexx McQueen - Black
Shadow High Series 3
Why are they all pink??? And do these names seem lazier to you?
Pinkie James - Ultra Pink
Scarlet Rose - Maroon
Rosie Redwood - Bright Red
Berrie Skies - Sky Blue
Oliver Ocean - Blue
Lavender Lynn - Lavender
Special Edition
Rainbow High Special EditionI haven't watched the show that goes with the dolls (someday...) but I can still appreciate Laurel and Holly's rad designs. They really should make more sibling dolls - I like when I have the full set :) My Runway Friend Amaya is funny, I would never want a giant $100 doll but to each their own. Also I think MGA heard me because of course I own the Sunny and Luna set where they are sisters. Even though it comes with barely anything :/ Skyler's outfit design workshop is very darling.
Kia Hart

Laurel De'Vious - Warm Colors
Holly De'Vious - Cool Colors
Amaya Raine - Rainbow
Sunny Madison

Skyler Bradshaw

Shadow High Special Edition
The Storm girls are killer dolls!
Naomi Storm

Veronica Storm

Ainsley Slater

Luna Madison

Collector Edition
Jett Dawson was 60% off online, so she's in my collection! I'm so happy - she's been one of my favorites for a long time but I never thought she'd go down from her $60 price tag.Jett Dawson

Lily Cheng - Tiger Lily Red
Roxie Grand

Celebration Edition
I'm not sure what the difference between collector and celebration editions are, except that Maria is twice as expensive and has only one outfit and barely any accessories. Jett Dawson and Lily Cheng are the better deals but I guess if you really want to buy an expensive doll than you can go for it.
Maria Garcia - Red, Purple, and Gold
Themed Lines
Cheerleader SquadThis was RH's foray into a "budget" doll line, but they're still nice to have and I can imagine a child, especially a cheerleader, would be thrilled by them. Sunny was $9 on sale so I finally buckled to check her out. These dolls all come with only 1 outfit and no stand, but they do come with pom poms!
Ruby Anderson - Red
Poppy Rowan - Orange
Sunny Madison

Jade Hunter - Green
Skyler Bradshaw - Blue
Violet Willow - Purple
Winter Break
These are cute but I wish they had been of different characters. Oh well. I own Sunny because of course I do. I like that the puffs on her hat look like her hair buns. She's the only RH doll I bought in a physical store - they're almost always cheaper online.
Ruby Anderson - Red
Poppy Rowan - Orange
Sunny Madison

Jade Hunter - Green
Skyler Bradshaw - Blue
Violet Willow - Purple
I basically never go to Target, so I've never actually seen these dolls in stores. I really love Vanessa especially.
Vanessa Tempo - Rainbow
Lyric Lucas - Rainbow
Carmen Major - Rainbow
Slumber Party
These are definitely overpriced, being the same as the later Rainbow Vision Divas with less things, but goodness they're cute. Robin had been on my wishlist for a while and she finally was marked down enough for me to justify getting her. I got her to go with Ayesha Sterling, her sister, which I guess proves my earlier writing. The sleeping bag that came with her rolls up and has tiny straps velcro closed. Again, absolutely not expected but what a treat to see all the little details put into the product!
Brianna Dulce - Bubblegum Pink
Marisa Golding - Gold and Black
Robin Sterling

Rainbow Vision Divas
These girls are stunning. I'm not sure why they look just like the slumber party dolls or if that was on purpose, but if they're inviting the comparison then the Divas win hands down. Besides the pretty dresses that they're wearing, they come with a microphone stand and an accessory cart that has so many little removeable shelves and doors that open that I was transfixed. Just the cart made the purchase absolutely worth it. I was reminded of American girl dolls, of which I used to be an avid collector. I understand that American girl is a more expensive brand on average, but if they made an accessory cart like the one that came with Ayesha, it would have easily been $50 by itself.
Meline Luxe - Gold and Beige
Sabrina St. Cloud - Rose Quartz
Ayesha Sterling

Rainbow Vision Neon Shadow
I'm less into these than I am with the divas. Mara is cute with her retro animation vibes, but overall these are worse than the other Rainbow Vison dolls and the other Shadow High dolls.
Mara Pinkett - Neon Pink and Black
Uma Van Hoose

Harley Limestone - Neon Green and Black
Rainbow Vision Royal Three
I am so charmed by these dolls. They all come with t shirts with their group's faces on them which is fun. Minnie is so super cute in person, even if I have no idea how to put on her fingerless gloves.
Tiara Song - Purple Lilac
Minnie Choi

Tessa Park - Periwinkle Blue
Rainbow High Costume Ball
I really want to love these so badly. I love Halloween and costumes! But these aren't very Halloween-y (which to be fair they never claimed to be) and none of them really speak to me. Robin's very cute though. I'm not sure why they made yet another Violet doll when there are plenty of other purple girls to choose from, but oh well.
Robin Sterling

Violet Willow - Purple
Bella Parker - Pink
Shadow High Costume Ball
I don't really understand what the difference between Rainbow and Shadow High is at this point. These dolls aren't monochrome or edgy, and if it weren't for their technicolor skin tones they'd fit right in with the Rainbow High dolls. Maybe that's the main difference. IDK.
Eliza McFee - Baby Blue
Demi Batista - Dark Purple
Lola Wilde - Rouge Pink
Fantastic Fashion
These dolls are marketed as coming "with 2 outfits"... the nerve. The gall. Take us back to the old days, please, MGA!! I miss the extra clothes!
Ruby Anderson - Red
Poppy Rowan - Orange
Sunny Madison

Jade Hunter - Green
Skyler Bradshaw - Blue
Violet Willow - Purple
Swim and Style
I like the idea of these, but if we're looking at these dolls objectively it's a budget swimwear line that comes with a piece of fabric. The family dollar bodies are back here - I guess it wasn't a total wasted investment.
Ruby Anderson - Red
Sunny Madison

Skyler Bradshaw - Blue
Violet Willow - Purple
Winter Wonderland
This is kind of an interesting concept, high fashion winter wear, but then they ruined it by including that fake expanding snow in the liner of the dolls' jackets that you're supposed to inject with water to get it to puff up. Seems like a mold issue waitng to happen.
Skyler Bradshaw - Blue
Sunny Madison

Violet Willow - Purple
Bella Parker - Pink
Creative Crystals
These come with resin you can use to make specific molded accessories. I thought we all agreed giving children uncured resin was a bad idea...? Also new character Iris Bow - she's actually pretty cute (and I like her kind of being a counterpart to Amaya, Raine and Bow).
Iris Bow

Amaya Raine - Rainbow
Bella Parker - Pink
Skyler Bradshaw - Blue
Violet Willow - Purple
Pacific Coast
I like these dolls! They're different than the main line ones but in a good way. The idea of interchangeable legs for heels and flats is genius and I wish it had been implemented in more of the dolls that followed these. Phaedra is absolutely stunning, her colors are gorgeous, I just wish she came with a non swimsuit outfit. These dolls all have only one outfit, which is surprising because there are a lot of cute beach fashions out there.Simone Summers - Sunrise
Finn Rosado - Rose Gold
Bella Parker - Pink
Harper Dune - Sand
Margot De Perla - Opal
Hali Capri - Capri
Phaedra Westward

Other Gimmicks
New FriendsI don't know about these girls. Their gimmick is different body types (tall, short, and curvy), but honestly the curvy build is sad. People clown on Barbie for a lot of good reasons (I'm people), but you can't deny that their plus sized dolls are actually... y'know... plus sized. Pinkly is a joke. I still got her though. Early leaks says she likes "makeup and dolls" - big if true. (spoilers a month later - it's not. I was hoping for a tiny RH doll :/)
Blu Brooks - Aqua Blue
Lilac Lane - Lilac
Pinkly Paige

Sparkle and Shine
What are we doing here? These dolls have clear legs filled with glitter. Who wants this? Why do they only have a first name? Where did the heart of this series go???
Rosetta - Soft Rose Pink
Clementine - Tangerine
Marina - Marine Blue

Color and Create
Color and CreateSome sort of custom doll was announced back in 2022 but was cancelled. I was sad but got over it... and then these arrived! All three are such sweethearts. I feel bad that they don't have names...
Green Eyes - White
Blue Eyes - White
Purple Eyes

Watercolor and Create
These are also very cute, and come with more clothes than the most recent RH releases.
Brown Eyes - White
Green Eyes - White
Purple Eyes - White
Chalk and Style
I do like that these are actual characters instead of "Green Eyes", "Brown Eyes", but poor Meline, what are they making you wear...
Amaya Raine - Rainbow
Meline Luxe - Gold and Beige
I haven't listed any of the various RH rerelease because it's the exact same doll...until now. Rainbow High is absolutely cooked! These releases are so obviously created because no one wanted their terrible $10 blind bag fashion packs. Pinkly's release is her with the locker that no one wanted either and they couldn't even be bothered to put her in the pink fashion pack - she's dressed in Sunny's instead. Avery's rerelease is literally just her with a rackful of fashion packs instead of her beautiful pieces from her original release. I saw a comment on instagram that this is like a liquidation sale and unfortuantely I agree...Avery Styles - Rainbow
Pinkly Paige - Salmon Pink
Older Lines
Poopsie Slime SurpriseThese are (arguably) the first Rainbow High Dolls. In actuality, they're an unconnected line that inspired RH and that was later tied into the series to boost sales. They're from that dismal era of kids toys where everything was slime and poop - remember that? What was that about? Did little kids actually like getting a blind bag pooping unicorn doll that farted glitter, or was that all there was? No collection is complete without a Poopsie Slime Surprise doll, you could say. I don't have any.
Blue Skye - Sky Blue
Rainbow Dream - Lilac
Amethyst Rae - Purple
Pixie Rose - Rosy Pink
Fantasy Friends: Series 1
A little known fact about Rainbow High is that it is in the same universe as LOL Surprise. So why did they so badly try to crib that line's style? Series 1 was called "Rainbow Surprise Fantasy Friends".
Electra Spark - Navy Blue
Hunter Defly - Apple Green
Honey B. - Goldenrod
Rico Charming - Fuchsia
Lady Dots - Crimson
Deedee Skies - Black
Lily Splash - Teal
Shelly Scarlet - Salmon
Misty Coral - Magenta
Kyra Rae - Bright Salmon
Bella Twinkle - Shamrock Green
Mia Monarch - Orange
Pippa Twilight - Turquoise
Kai Chroma - Rainbow
Luna Eclipse - Rainbow
Penelope Prizm - Black
Fantasy Friends: Series 2
These were rebranded to "Rainbow High Fantasy Friends" for series 2, presumably to try to sell more dolls. They are canonically characters created by best girl Sunny for her show Hi Hi Kawaii. They're blind bag dolls, and I only have one, but I managed to get the one inspired by Sunny on my first go. Lucky!
Maggie Nolia - White
Obi Willow - Multichromatic
Nani Aloha - Jungle Green
Dorothy Petal - Light Blue
Heidi Drangia - Leafy Green
Blu Delphine - Royal Blue
Cici Shadow - Black
Gia Bella - Black
Dahlia Noir - White
Fiona Flutters - Bubblegum Pink
Xavier Scarab - Gold
Kelly Defly - Tea Green
Alexia Cacti - Chartreuse
Kacey Sunfower - Yellow
Forrest Birch - Brown
Birdie Paradise - Sea Green
Here are the characters with multiple dolls ordered by number of dolls (because I like to make lists):
Skyler Bradshaw - 11
Violet Willow - 11
Sunny Madison - 10
Amaya Raine - 8
Ruby Anderson - 7
Bella Parker - 7
Jade Hunter - 6
Poppy Rowan - 5
Avery Styles - 3
Laurel De'Vious - 2
Pinkly Paige - 2
Georgia Bloom - 2
Sheryl Meyer - 2
Meline Luxe - 2
Karma Nichols - 2
Daphne Minton - 2
Robin Sterling - 2
Gabriella Icely - 2
River Kendall - 2
Holly De'Vious - 2
Krystal Bailey - 2
Emi Vanda - 2
Kia Hart - 2
Stella Monroe - 2
Luna Madison - 2
Shelves CSS found here!